Monday Yard Waste ONLY
Put grass, leaves, and branches in a trashcan, or in a paper yard waste bag, NO PLASTIC BAGS. Branches must be cut to 4 ft. long and 3 in. in diameter tied in bundles.
Tuesday Bulk trash and recycling. You must call 703-257-8252 before putting any of this items out; dryers, stoves and large household items. Trash must be in cans or large plastic bags securely tied shut. Recycling should be in large recycling carts or recycling bins.
Wednesday There is no trash pick-up.
Thursday There is no trash pick-up.
Friday Trash and bulk items. You must call 703-257-8252 before putting any of this items out; dryers, stoves and large household items.
***Please put trash, recycling and yard waste out after 4 p.m. the day before pick-up or before 6 a.m. the day of pick up and remove trash cans by 9 p.m. Trash cans CANNOT be stored in front of house, they must be stored in the backyard.